The New Language of Periods


Since forever, periods have had their own universal language — spoken and unspoken — that all menstruating people (and even their loved ones who don’t have periods) become fluent in. But words matter when it comes to menstruation, and when conversations about periods are shrouded in outdated language and euphemisms, first & early period experiences can feel that much more confusing to navigate.

I worked in-house with the Thinx creative team to concept and develop a campaign that would open up conversations between moms and teens, building trust, transforming the words we use — and set a new status quo for the next generation.

Art Direction: Cass Sachs-Michaels & Puteri Cardinale
Creative Direction: Cheena Jain & Tiffany Washington
Design: Rin Johnstone & Kelly Conklin
Copy: Meg Loughman
Production: Khira Goins-Paxton & SEE ME
Video Direction: Sara McDowell
DP: Rachel Batashvili
Photography: Emmie America


